We solve legal problems for businesses


Ranked 25th Largest
Litigation Law Firm in Middle Tennessee


Expertise. Commitment. Results.

When a “Bet the Company” lawsuit is what’s at stake, the attorneys at Kay Griffin Evans are your crisis managers. We work closely with you to identify your needs, guide you through the process, and develop strategies to get the best possible outcome for you. We are problem solvers; and when that solution requires a courtroom, we are trial lawyers.


Intellectual Property & Entertainment Law

We help people in the entertainment industry protect their interests in intellectual property matters, contract negotiations, and disputes.


Commercial &
Construction Law

Commercial business, real estate, and land development moves fast — friction happens. We help our clients get deals done faster and disputes resolved fairly. All while working to protect relationships.


Commercial Litigation

We’re the backup to big business. We represent the interests of a range of businesses in complex litigation matters, helping them to offset risk, find leverage, and defend against claims.


Employment Law

Legal issues involving employees is the last thing you want to deal with. That’s why we’re here. We help make sure businesses are covered when forced to handle employment issues.

“The team at Kay Griffin Evans were incredibly responsive and professional. They helped me to avoid an expensive conflict and collect from a past due client without breaking the bank. I would highly suggest them to anyone looking for attorneys that get it done.”

— T. Gray